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THERAMED Leg Spacer Support

THERAMED Leg Spacer Support


The leg spacer alleviates lower back pressure allowing the spine its natural 'S' shape.


The right knee separator can promote good seeping postures and optimal spinal alignment which can alleviate lower back pain. Therapeutically designed to help minimise pressure and the load on your lower back, hips and knees while sleeping. When you sleep better and in the right positions, you awake feeling more rested and ready to take on what the day brings.


Get better aligned and more comfortable with our knee spacer pillow.


Who is the Leg Spacer Knee Support Cushion designed for? It s ideal for side sleepers who wake up with a sore back or hip pain. It is also useful for those recovering or recuperating from hip issues or procedures. Likewise if you have uncomfortable pressure points when side sleeping, this leg spacer can acts as a buffer and increase your comfort. The knee spacer cushion is offered in pressure-diffusing Memory foam covered in moisture-resistant (hospital grade) Steri-Plus cover making it easy to care for and keep clean. The easy to use and comfortable positioning aid encourages the natural alignment of the pelvis and spine and can help you get comfortable, stay comfortable and feel better.

Please allow 10 - 14 working days for delivery
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